The death of Andrew Wiggins’s father was revealed on September 12, 2024, 202 days after Andre Wiggins’s birthday, and he plays for the Warriors that play in San Francisco (San Francisco=202).
He died while Skull and Bones is in its 192nd year of existence.
-Mitchell Lee Wiggins=192
-Skull and Bones=202
His name equates with sacrifice (Mitchell Wiggins=170 *Sacrifice=170).
Mitchell Wiggins is dead at 64 (Kill=64).
If he died on September 11, that date has 64 date numerology.
If he died on September 12, that date has 65 date numerology, and the Warriors are originally from Philadelphia (Philadelphia=65). Also, Mitchell Wiggins finished his NBA career in Philly in the ’91-’92 season. And if he was 64, he died in his 65th year of life.
His father was also announced dead 41 days before the opener (Golden State=41).
And in light of Kamala having a big week in Philly, and being from the Bay, September 12 was 38 days before her October 20th birthday (Death=38, Murder=38, Killing=38, RIP=38, *Election=38).
Also, his father’s last season was 33 years ago, ’91-’92 (Order=33, Secrecy=33, Masonry=33).