Wow! Protesters in New Zealand outside Parliament House in Wellington demonstrate against against Covid tyranny

Continue ReadingWow! Protesters in New Zealand outside Parliament House in Wellington demonstrate against against Covid tyranny

1458102541972131840 Wow! Protesters in New Zealand outside Parliament House in Wellington demonstrate against against Covid — Election Wizard (@ElectionWiz) November 9, 2021 Source by Election Wizard

Militia groups want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible – #200 by kcufo1969 – Politics

Continue ReadingMilitia groups want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible – #200 by kcufo1969 – Politics

So NZ and the US are really different when it comes to taxes. Corporate rate in the US is 28%, but you also pay a state corporate rate depending on the state you live in. My state is an additional 9.9%. Income tax rate is around 42% for…

Now that we know the Deep State can throw an election

Continue ReadingNow that we know the Deep State can throw an election

🌎💫 The world is waking up. Now that we know the Deep State can throw an election, I have very little confidence that the wonderful people of New Zealand did, in fact, re-elect socialist, globalist puppet and Hillary Clinton's close friend Jacinda Ardern in a landslide. I refuse…