Despite the court order County Sheriff refuses to enforce the Court Order and allow Republican poll watchers to enter.

BREAKING: Despite the court order
allowing the Trump campaign to view
the ballot counting in Philadelphia, the
County Sheriff refuses to enforce the
Court Order and allow Republican poll
watchers to enter.

By the time all of the corruption is revealed, it’s going to rock people’s world. Most people are blissfully unaware of how far reaching the tentacles of the deep state and cabal are. They are deeply entrenched in every level of society. They are teachers in our public education system. They are psychologists sourcing prime MK ultra candidates. They are licensed medical practitioners a.k.a. doctors who have knowingly prescribed medication that would do more harm than good, while lining their pockets from pharmaceutical reps. There is significant corruption within what we call law-enforcement in this country. It isn’t just the politicians and government folks. When he says “drain the swamp”, he’s talking about tearing the entire filthy, corrupt system down. We are not going to recognize this world by the time the dust settles. That doesn’t have to be a scary thing. We now know that what we were familiar with was evil beyond measure. It is time we embrace future prospects with a heart full of faith and good will. We need to walk into the unknown with faith that God is with us.

By the time all of the corruption is revealed, it’s going to rock people’s world. Most people are blissfully unaware of how far reaching the tentacles of the deep state and cabal are. They are deeply entrenched in every level of society. They are teachers in our public education system. They are psychologists sourcing prime MK ultra candidates. They are licensed medical practitioners a.k.a. doctors who have knowingly prescribed medication that would do more harm than good, while lining their pockets from pharmaceutical reps. There is significant corruption within what we call law-enforcement in this country. It isn’t just the politicians and government folks. When he says “drain the swamp”, he’s talking about tearing the entire filthy, corrupt system down. We are not going to recognize this world by the time the dust settles. That doesn’t have to be a scary thing. We now know that what we were familiar with was evil beyond measure. It is time we embrace future prospects with a heart full of faith and good will. We need to walk into the unknown with faith that God is with us.

A photo posted by Unbearable Deplorable (@unbearabledeplorable3.0) on


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