On the first day of the GM trial:
The CEO of Twitter resigned.
The CFO of Walmart resigned.
The CFO of CNBC resigned.

Could Hillary become president?

JUST IN – Italy’s Industry Minister Giancarlo
Giorgetti warns of #blackouts in Europe
amid energy supply issues.

I want a future where
my kids can Rittenhouse
anyone who dares to
Rosenbaum them.

Australian council in Freemantle
to ban cats outside unless they
are on a lead

The Evolution of a
mricon- ariant

The absolute state
Little bitty ass boy ran to telegram to lie on me
cause y’all for some reason let goofies like this get
away with saying whatever they want. Anybody that
knows me KNOWS I ain’t never took a dime from
anybody in three years. I know why they mad..

Good morn

Source: Brebmanfren

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Good morn