Notice that Sean Combs (Diddy) and Kamala Harris both attended Howard University. Kamala graduated from there in 1986, and Diddy dropped out after three years there in 1989.

231, 21st triangular number *Jesuit=21
Ignatius of Loyola=231, 87 & 201 (Founder of Jesuits)
Order of Illuminati=201 & 93 (Founded by the Jesuit, Adam Weishaupt)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio=201 (Pope Francis, the first Jesuit Pope) (the Pope is 97)
The Jesuit Order=201 *Catholic Pope=201
Freak Offs=87 *Puff Daddy=87 (Puff started at Howard in ’87)

The only person who has been in more Freak Offs than Diddy, is Kamala Harris.

Also, don’t forget that Diddy was arrested 201 days before Clive Davis’ upcoming birthday.


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Kamala Harris & Sean Combs (Diddy) both went to Howard (Vote or Die) (Freak Offs)