The Nord Stream 2 is halted on 2/22/2022…
And Russia’s advancement into Ukraine is causing fuel costs to surge up across the world on this same day, in accordance with exactly what the World Economic Forum would want.
World Economic Forum = 222
Order Out of Chaos = 222
Event Two Zero One = 222
-129 is 201 in base 8 counting
-Nord Stream 2 = 129
-Agenda 21 signing date, June 13, 1992
-June 13 leaves 201-days in the year
Today is exactly 47-weeks after Klaus Schwab’s 83rd birthday, the leader of the W.E.F. and a true Jesuit scumbag.
Government = 47
Authority = 47
WEF 47 / 34
-Ukraine = 47 / 34
That also means it is 36-days before his upcoming birthday.
And notice Schwab is from Germany.
Germany = 38 / 83
Energy = 38
-Energy up 3.8% globally
-He is 83
5.4% jump in U.S.? *Jesuit Order = 54
3.8% jump worldwide? *Energy = 38