This news comes 57 days after Elon Musk’s birthday.
Remember, in the book Project Mars: A Technical Tale, the leadership in the story is known as “The Elon.”
It was not published for “57 years” (Mars=57).
The 57 connects with ‘Mars.’
The 57 connects with the history of the ‘Moon’ mission as well.
Recall, the Scottish Rite flag was taken to the moon (supposedly).
Recall, the book about “The Elon” was written by a Nazi, and today is also the 58th day of Elon Musk’s age (Nazi=58, Freemasonry=58, Secret Society=58).
Keep in mind the moon landing was July 20, 1969, and that date can be written 20/7, like 207 (Wernher von Braun=207).
Today’s news comes 69 days after his death anniversary (Nazis=69 & 24 — 24th of month) (Project Mars=69, New World Order=69, Illuminati=69).