This news comes 13 days after the July 13 shootingthat got the perfect photo op under the 13 stripes.

The Secret Service and counterfeit money? Think of all the 13s on the federal dollar. There are 13 arrows, 13 olive branch leaves, 13 olive fruits, 13 stars above the eagle, 13 steps of the pyramid, and 13 bars on the shield.

Donald Trump also makes this announcement 42 days after his birthday, Friday, July 26, 2024 (Jesuit=42, Freemason=42, Gun=42, Ammo=42). Today is also the anniversary of the establishment of New York, July 26, 1788.

It would be something if spoke there on August 4, 2024, Obama’s birthday, his 63rd.

August 4 is a Sunday this year (Butler=84, Jesuit=84, Sunday=84, United States of America=84).

And speaking of 8/4, like 84, or even like the year ’84, 40 years ago…

…Butler is on the 40th Parallel North.

Recall, #40, Ronald Reagan, ran on MAGA.

Recall, Reagan, who suffered a shooting, won reelection in 1984, 40 years ago.

Recall the whole 214 thing (Ronald Reagan=214)(Church of Satan=214).

The shooting of Trump was 214 days after Pennsylvania’s December 12 establishment anniversary.

JFK was shot in the (214) area code.

He died at Parkland & the Parkland shooting was on 2/14.

*Reagan was shot in ’81 (President Trump=81), and August 1, or 8/1 a Thursday, is another day to keep an eye on.

Also, this news comes 101 days before the election, November 5, 2024. That date can be written 11/5.

Recall, the shooting was 115 days after Barron Trump’s birthday, and 115 days before the election. The shooter was said to be 20 years old. And Kamala Harris was in Philadelphia the same day (Philadelphia=101 & 61). With regards to Philadelphia, today can be written 26/7, and (267) is the Philadelphia area code. Also, 101 is the 26th prime, and here we are on the 26th of the month (Flag=26). Of course, the flag was sewn in Philadelphia.

Notice Betsy Ross, who sewed the flag, in Philadelphia, 239 Arch St., died at 84.

Betsy Ross=101 (101 days until the election)


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Trump announces return rally to Butler, PA, July 26, 2024 (13 days later)