The letter was written by a Jesuit, Father Lother Koenig, December 14, 1942, emphasis on ’42.
Jesuit = 42
World War = 42
War = 42

Keep in mind December Fourteenth is an infamous date.
December Fourteenth = 187
Society of Jesus = 187

And it goes with who the letter was written to.
Father Robert Leiber = 187
-Robert Leiber = 129
-Holocaust = 129
-129 is 201 in base-8 counting
-The Jesuit Order = 201
-*Holocaust survivor = 201

And it goes with the CIA being established September 18, 1947, on the same Pope’s 201st day of his age.

This news was released by the Jesuit controlled New York Times, September 16, 2023.
September 16 is the 259th day of the Catholic Calendar Year
Roman Catholicism = 259


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