A Pearl Harbor moment?

Notice the emphasis on ‘mighty vengeance.’

Hawaii Gov. Josh Green compared Maui to Pearl Harbor in his August 15, or 15/8 remarks, on the Jesuit Order’s birthday. And recall, Hawaii burned up on his 247th day of Governor, while the Illuminati and United States are 247 years old.
World Trade Center = 247 & 77
September Eleventh = 77
Judaism = 77
Zionist = 77
Theater = 77
67, 19th prime *Chaos = 19
19 hijackers on 9/11

Notice the emphasis on ‘Pearl Harbor.
Pearl Harbor = 114 / 60 / 183 / 66
-Revelation, 66th book, end times, war, prophecy
-History = 114 *World War = 114
-Order Out of Chaos = 183
-Order = 60

Notice the emphasis on 75 year of Israel.
Order Out of Chaos = 75
Order = 75



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