Where is your breaking point? When are you willing to say enough is enough? What are you going to do about this? At what point are you willing to ditch the mask?

Repost from great account to follow: @red_pill_fuel


This Post Has 11 Comments

  1. o0o0rion

    My breaking point is when someone threatens or harms myself or my loved ones. We should all encourage each other to run for local office, or even just organize to spread awareness honestly. Or just talk to your friends or neighbors, anything really. Screw the breaking point, the proactive point is long past, and right now. Do what you can, when you can, all the time. It is not in vain, and no one can ask more of you than that.

  2. saylorkw

    I bet the number of suicides related to people who are financially ruined because of this pandemic is higher than the actual death rate

  3. doksfox

    Feels like people won’t ever be willing to say enough. Too busy listening to cnn and joe Biden claim that 2/3 of the nation will die within minutes of this fake ass pandemic. 🙄🙄 I still see so many masked people it’s incredible.

  4. myf1966

    I cannot believe how people have completely lost their minds over THESE statistics. Like so freaking sad.

  5. sugarfree4130

    @unbearabledeplorable4.0 I was kicked off the panel from my endocrinologist. I’m type 1 diabetic. I have to have blood work done and go in for visits. I refuse to wear a mask, so they cut me off. I have two days left of insulin. My primary won’t return my phone calls for a new prescription. The labs won’t let me in bc I won’t wear a mask. The e.r. Won’t let me in either bc no mask. There’s no way for me to get insulin. I asked my doctor “so do I just die then” she said she’d call back. Never happened. Now it’s Friday. I though my body my choice? I also work in radiology at two major hospitals, they won’t let me work bc I refuse to mask up. Starting to see I may be a sacrifice for others.

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