Yesterday, former Vice President Joe Biden introduced his running mate, California Sen. Kamala Harris.

Biden said,

    We can define America simply in one word: “Possibilities.” Possibilities. Let me say it again; possibilities. That’s America.

Watching as Biden said this was one Ken Khachigian. Ken was astonished. Ken, you see, was once a speechwriter for our former boss — President Ronald Reagan. And he quickly sent a note to his former colleagues — accompanied by a copy of a speech delivered by President Reagan on September 3, 1984. The president was speaking at a Reagan–Bush campaign rally in Fountain Valley, California.

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  1. mario_in_cali

    He’s been doing it since college days and gets caught every time. He graduated law school 76th out of a class of 85 students. News anchors back in the day, called him dumb. He is. Literally.

  2. coachtkd

    Didn’t he have to drop out of one of his past presidential races bc he plagiarized????

  3. bradleycw

    He did it in law school and multiple times in other speeches. He’s been plagiarizing for decades.

  4. mister_itmo

    They’ve cancelled plagiarism. Not even a thing anymore. They did away with it after journalists cancelled the credibility requirements for their writing. Have at it. ????

  5. deenoose

    Once a plagiarist, always a plagiarist…Wait, did someone else say that..? Are those my words..? Biden team-Ecstatic, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, speechless!! He strung a whole sentence together and it made sense!!! We don’t care where he got it! We running with it!! ????????♥️????????♥️

  6. schwiegerath

    How many times does this guy have to get caught doing this, these people are truly stupid.

  7. dee_8503

    Wow – His handlers are as ridiculous as he.. they don’t have an original idea for him and he can’t speak. I’m surprised he got the plagiarized sentence out

  8. Not the first time he’s plagiarized. He’s plagiarized his entire political career and has been caught lying in interviews

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